How long does it take to design a house?

Last Updated: April 26, 2024

It depends greatly on the size and complexity of the project, how busy our office is, and the pace at which our clients are comfortable moving. We have found for a new home of average size (2,000-3,000 square feet), that the design time can typically range between 5-8 months. That said, we can design much faster than this, but there’s a certain comfortable pace that one finds as they begin working with their architect. During the Schematic Design phase, for example, we will have meetings and present design schemes for a house. Together we’ll go over many concepts and strategies and while the client will often give us immediate feedback, there are usually some things they want to mull over and even discuss with others in their lives. Once feedback is given, we will develop the design further to a point where we need another meeting for additional feedback. Some clients are quick decision makers, others are slower and more thorough. They will move at different speeds and we will adjust our pace and delivery time accordingly.

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