I’m very sensitive to my environment and worried about toxins in all the building products out there. Can you help us create a non-toxic home?

Last Updated: February 1, 2021

Yes! We have a special passion in reducing the toxins in our buildings.

The United States has no governing body that regulates toxins in building products. To many, this is shocking news, and it should be. As a general population we are at the mercy of the free market (and our litigious society) to act as the guardians of our health when it comes to our built environments. At BRIBURN, we don’t trust them. We rest that role from manufacturers and take command of the materials and products being selected for your project.

We have been developing materials selections (from paints, to engineered wood, to sealants, and fixtures) that reduce the toxins in our projects and in the greater environment as a whole. We have recently been working on a Living Building Project (the Ecology School) where an incredible list of materials are banned from being used (the infamous ‘Red List’) causing our firm and others involved, to exhaustively research, document, and vett, every material in the project. It has been daunting and highly educational. We are also working with a very special client, Habitat for Canaries, to create a retreat for those with severe EI (Environmental Illness). For this project, removing and avoiding toxins and incitants from the buildings is more than a goal, it could be a matter of life and death for our client and those they serve.

Ready to discuss a project of your own? Contact us