Is my project too small for BRIBURN?

Last Updated: February 1, 2021

We love having a diverse repertoire of projects in our office, from high schools to house renovations. However, as a full-sized office with substantial overhead, it gets difficult to service clients with projects that are much smaller in size. It’s not that we can’t help in these situations, however we want to be mindful of our clients budgetary needs, and our office workload. For the much smaller projects, our fees may begin to feel out of balance with the cost of the project. In a different FAQ breakdown, we address our fees and mention that (working hourly) they tend to range between 10-12% of the construction cost of the project for new construction, and 12%-15% of the construction cost of the project for small renovations and additions. As the project shrinks, our fees go up as a percentage. We find the tipping point for our clients to be around a construction cost of $200,000. When projects cost less than this our fees begin to feel disproportionate to the money being spent on the construction of the project.

We would love to work on all projects small and large, in fact, the variation in project type and size creates diversity in our office workload, which we all enjoy. We do sometimes take on very small projects, however it is dependent on our workload, and the project goals. We have a real passion, and a soft spot, for cool sustainable projects with lofty goals. Please feel free to contact us if you have questions.

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